Sunshine Adventures (Inner Richmond)

4387 Geary Blvd., San Francisco, CA 94118


We accept ELS vouchers!


We are licensed for 18 preschool children in our program. We use a variety of preschool key experiences that allows a child to assess a situation and make independent choices. The center has an open classroom setting, which incorporates different areas that include: library, blocks, music, science, art, and computers. While learning in these content areas prepares children for later schooling, we take the learning process beyond traditional academic subjects by applying methods that promote independence, curiosity, decision-making, cooperation, persistence, creativity, and problem solving in young children.

Staff to child ratio is 1:6.


Up to 12 toddlers may be enrolled in this program. During this active learning process, toddlers are encouraged to discover the world around them by exploring and playing (“active participatory learning”). The classroom includes plenty of age appropriate content including dolls, large blocks, art, role-play props, puzzles, and library that encourage rather than inhibit children's efforts and communications, take cues from children rather than impose their own ideas, and assume a problem-solving approach to children's interpersonal conflicts rather than punish children or solve their problems for them.

Staff to child ratio is 1:4.


Visit Us

4837 Geary Blvd.,

San Francisco, CA 94118

8 am– 5:30 pm


(415) 699-5180